Outdoor Fitness Equipment

Grant Program Accepting Applications Now

The Ontario Sport and Recreation Communities Fund deadline to apply for 2016-17 funding is January 21, 2016. According to their website, this program “supports a vision of getting and keeping Ontarians active in community sport, recreation and physical activity.”   The “OSRCF provides Ontarians with more opportunities to become physically active, including groups who experience barriers […]

Best Play Equipment, Canadian Play Equipment, PlayPower Canada

National Child Day is celebrated on November 20th each year!

National Child Day, which marks Canada’s adoption of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, is celebrated on November 20th each year. Information and resources to help you celebrate can be found at the Canadian government site: http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/ncd-jne/index-eng.php Additional information and resources can be found at the Unicef and the Canadian Children’s Rights […]

Mom & Tot Swing, Playground, Best Play Equipment, Canadian

New Swing Delights Children and Parents!

The exciting new Generation Swing allows toddlers to swing face-to-face with parents, grandparents, older children,…everyone can join in the fun! Now adults can re-discover the joy of swinging while delighting their tot with quality time outdoors. This unique design encourages social development and intergenerational play. And the best part are the contagious smiles that last long after […]

Inclusive, Playground, Top Canadian Playground

68 Year Tradition Continues At Lions Park In Paris

PlayPower Canada has been serving Canada since 1947. It began as Paris Playground Equipment Limited, and is still located in Paris, Ontario, Canada. For 68 years children have playing on our equipment in the local Lions Park. Now, the council of Brant County has chosen PlayPower Canada to add new play equipment to further enhance […]